石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1144&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁433-434&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁267-268&* 顧正誼字仲方,號亭林,松江華亭人。萬曆(西元一五七三-一六二0年)間人,曾任中書舍人。人品高潔,善詩書畫,山水出入元四大家,同鄉董其昌曾跟隨其學習。 本幅畫面狹長,山脈從頂端分段發展而下,條理分明。筆力工整,淡墨乾筆皴法,描寫頗為細膩。設色以淺赭石和花青為主,淡雅而明亮。樹木、人物造型簡練,表現近似晚期「吳派」的作風。 &* Ku Cheng-i, a native of the Shanghai area, was a drafter at court in the Wan-li era (1573-1620). Noted for his noble character, Ku was a skilled poet, calligrapher, and painter. Indeed, the famous artist Tung Ch’i-ch’ang was one of his students. The format of this work is long and narrow. The mountains seem to issue forth at the top, extending down in an orderly and straightforward manner. The light ink, dry brushwork, and texture strokes enhance the sense of elegance here. The coloring is subtle and graceful with light reds and blues predominating. The treatment of the landscape, figures, and architectural structures is clear and simple. The painting falls within the stylistic ideals of later Wu School painting in the Ming dynasty.