石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2017&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁431-432&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁129-130&* 關思(活動於西元一六00至一六三0年間)一名九思,字仲通,號虛白,浙江烏程人,善詩書畫,山水宗法宋元,人物亦佳。 幅上自題見董其昌學黃公望畫,有生秀之氣,因此作畫仿之,以得黃公望精神。 畫用青綠設色,深淺效果鮮明,用筆略軟,點景人物活潑。構圖脈胳清晰,是晚明作風。近景溪流蜿蜒,貫穿平坡房舍,逕接上方遠景瀑布。觀賞者彷若漫步其間,感覺親切。 &* Kuan Ssu or Kuan Chiu-ssu (tzu Chung-t’ung; hao Hu-pai) was a native of Wu-chen, Chekiang. A skilled poet, calligrapher and painter, he was noted particularly for landscapes in the style of the Sung masters but was also a capable figure painter. In his own inscription on the painting, Kuan states that he had seen a painting by Tung Ch’i-ch’ang (1555-1636) which was based on the style of the Yüan artist Huang Kung-wang (1269-1357). Indeed he has been able to capture some of the elegance and grace, as well as the spirit of Huang’s style. Here Kuan Ssu has employed strongly contrasting blues and greens to effect a sharp and distinct definition of forms. The brushwork is gentle, the scenery and figures are sprightly and the composition is clearly defined; all important elements of the general style of the late Ming. In the foreground a stream twists and turns flowing gently. Houses occupy the distant bank and call our attention to a path which gives us visually from these houses to a distant waterfall. The artist seems to invite the viewer to ramble among his mountains and rivers, giving us a sense of intimate contact with nature.