石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2006&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁411&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁41-42&*1.許郭璜,〈明王問畫山水〉,收入《李郭山水畫系特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1999年初版),頁105-106。 &*王問(西元一四九七-一五七六年)字子裕,學者稱仲山先生,無錫人。嘉靖十七年戊戌(一五三八)進士。工詩文行草,畫花鳥竹石、山水人物,生趣盎然。 茂林叢密,一人獨坐茅舍中,外有竹籬藩圍;一翁徐行,度橋而來。全幅山石輪廓圓渾似捲雲,除墨色濃淡有別外,皴筆幾無輕重之分;而畫樹墨筆點葉,亦復如是。圖案化的筆墨形式,與晚明變形主義頗有契合之處。&*Wang Wen was a chin-shih degree holder of 1538 who excelled at poetry, prose, and running script calligraphy. He also painted birds-and-flowers, landscapes, and figures with an ephemeral style. In a lush forested setting, figures are shown sitting in thatched cottages as a man walks over a bridge in the lower right corner. The outlines of the earthen forms make them look like curled clouds. Except for the dark, black ink, there is little differentiation between the texture strokes. The same goes for the dotting of the leaves. This patterned method of painting correlates to the individualistic modes that were common in the late Ming dynasty.