石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1970&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁408&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁125-126&*1.〈明居節江南春〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《春景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年一月初版),頁55。 &* 居節(活動於西元一五三一至一五八五年前後),字士貞,號商谷,江蘇吳縣人,文徵明的高足。尚氣節,雖窮困,仍以丹青自娛。繪畫風格得文徵明心傳。書法、詩詞也很好。一部份來自趙孟頫、陸放翁。後人珍賞他的畫,與朱朗、侯懋功相抗衡。 青綠設色畫綠波青嶂,纖草繁花。山中懸一瀑布,丘壑很多卻罕見人跡。用筆有力,方筆較多。畫上自題江南春詩一首,詞一首,書法也很好。整幅畫把江南的春天表現得淋漓盡致。本幅畫於辛卯(一五三一)年。 &*Chu Chueh, style name Shih-chen and sobriquet Shang-ku, was a native of the Soochow region of Kiangsu Province; he was the best student of Wen Cheng-ming. He was a man of great integrity, and although very poor, painted only for his own pleasure rather than for economic reasons. His painting style was very much influenced by that of Wen Cheng-ming. His poetry and calligraphy, which were modeled in part on the styles of Chao Meng-fu and Lu Yü, were also excellent. Later generations prized his work highly, considering him on a level with Chu Lang and Hou Mao-kung. Painted in the blue and green style, this painting depicts waves and mountains, delicate grasses and luxuriant vegetation. A waterfall cascades from the mountains; in the many hills and ravines there are few signs of human habitation. Chu’s brushwork is very powerful; he employs many angular texture strokes. The artist inscribed two poems entitled “Spring in Chiang-nan” in the upper right hand portion of the painting. The painting techniques are excellent, fully depicting the moist spring atmosphere of Chiang-nan. This work was completed in 1531. &* 居節(活動於西元一五三一-一五八五年前後),字士貞,號商谷,江蘇吳縣人,以文徵明為師。尚氣節,雖窮困,仍以丹青自娛。繪畫風格得文徵明心傳。與朱朗、侯懋功相抗衡。書法、詩詞亦佳。 本幅畫於辛卯(一五三一)年。青綠設色,用筆有力,畫綠波青嶂,碧草繁花。 山中懸一瀑布,層疊丘壑,罕見人跡。畫上自題〈江南春詩〉一首。整幅畫將江南春天景象表現得淋漓盡致。 (20120103)&* Ju Jie (style name Shizhen, sobriquet Shanggu), a native of Wu (Suzhou) in Jiangsu, was a brilliant student of Wen Zhengming. Of great integrity, and despite poverty, he painted only for pleasure. His style was much influenced by Wen’s. Ranking with Zhu Lang and Hou Maogung, Ju’s calligraphy and poetry were also fine. This 1531 work was done in the “blue-and-green” style to depict waves and mountains with delicate grasses and luxuriant vegetation. A waterfall cascades from the mountains, and few signs of habitation are found in the many hills and ravines. The brushwork is powerful with much angular texturing. The artist inscribed on it a poem on spring in Jiangnan, portraying Jiangnan springtime with much moistness.(20120103)