石渠寶笈初編﹝養心殿﹞,上冊,頁655&*故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁396-397&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁79-80&*文伯仁(西元一五○二-一五七五年),長洲(江蘇蘇州)人。文徵明從子,字德承,號五峰,又號葆生、攝山老農。善畫山水人物,學王蒙而不失家法。 此畫作於嘉靖甲子(一五六四),時作者六十三歲。六十九歲再題詩,松岡竹塢,蓋詩中語也。溪山深邃,林巒重疊,筆墨以雅澹見長。 &* Wen Po-jen was the nephew of Wen Cheng-ming. His style name was Te-ch’eng, his sobriquets Wu-feng, Pao-sheng and She-shan lao-nung. He followed Wang Meng (1308-1385) in his figures and landscapes, but still retained the family style of Wen Cheng-ming. Streams flow deep in the mountains, while forests rise in close layers. The use of brush and ink is particularly elegant and bland. The work was completed in 1564 when the artist was sixty-two years of age. The title “Pines and Hills Near a Bamboo Fence” is taken from the poem which the artist inscribed on the painting in 1570 , when he was sixty-eight. &* 畫中前景有戴笠僧人拄杖前行,將進入林間寺院;中景有一渡橋文士,或許即為「放浪谿山已有年」的文伯仁;遠景宛若隨著雲霧浮現,凜立天際的秀峻山頭,應是令作者追求神往的盛景。此畫原作於嘉靖甲子年(1564),六年後文伯仁又在畫面右上方題詩。畫題「松岡竹塢」,就是出自詩中的文句。這件作品用筆雖較粗放,但仍維持文伯仁喜愛布置畫中細節的特色,與本次展出的《李愿歸盤谷圖》扇面類似,均屬於文伯仁的晚期採王蒙風格的佳作。(20100713)&* In the foreground of this painting is a monk wearing a straw cap as he walks with a staff about to enter a monastery in the mountains. A scholar in the middleground crosses a bridge, perhaps being a self-portrait of Wen Boren himself “dissipating among the mountains and streams for years already.” In the distant scenery, as if floating above the clouds and mists, stands a tall, beautiful peak awe-inspiring against the skyline, suggesting some wondrous scene in the artist’s pursuit of a spiritual realm. This work was done in 1564, and six years later Wen Boren inscribed poetry in its upper right part. The title comes from a line that he wrote in his verse. Although the brushwork here is relatively coarse, it still retains Wen Boren’s love of filling the composition with details. Similar in style to the fan “Li Yuan Off to Pangu” in this exhibit, both are late masterpieces by Wen Boren after the style of Wang Meng.(20100713)&*前景には、笠をかぶった僧侶が杖を手に道行く姿が描かれており、今ちょうど林中の寺院に入ろうとしている。中景の橋を渡る文士は、「放浪谿山已有年(幾年も山河を放浪した)」文伯仁本人かもしれない。遠景には、雲霧の中に浮かぶかのような山の頂が天高く聳え立っている。ここに描かれているのは、作者が求めてやまなかった絶景に違いない。本作は嘉靖甲子年(1564)に描かれ、6年後に文伯仁が画面右上に題詩を入れた。画題の「松岡竹塢」は詩文の一節である。用筆はやや粗いが、文伯仁が好んだ細部にまでこだわった構成などの特色はそのままである。本展覧と同時に展示する「李愿帰盤谷図」(扇面)に近く、いずれの作品も、晩年に王蒙の画風を取り入れた文伯仁の佳作である。(20100713)