故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁326&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁225-226&*沈周〈西元一四二七─一五○九年〉,江蘇長洲〈今江蘇蘇州〉人。字啟南,號石田,又號白石翁。能詩文,工書法,又善山水,為明四大家之一。 春日山林中,兩位文士飲罷酒宴,騎馬而歸,侍童挑著書擔尾隨於後。全作的人物、山石、林木和屋舍,用筆疏放。在山巔處且以濃密的苔點增綴,表現春天草木滋發的意象。該作雖有沈周的款題,然筆法略顯板滯柔弱,疑為後人偽託之作。 &* Shen Zhou was a native of Changzhou (modern Suzhou, Jiangsu). He was gifted in poetry and prose as well as calligraphy, and he excelled at landscape painting. He eventually became known as one of the Four Masters of the Ming. In this mountain setting on a spring day, 2 scholars ride back from an outing as an attendant carries books and a pot on a pole. All the motifs, including the figures, landscape, trees, and buildings, were done in free yet forceful brushwork. The mountains are also accentuated with thick layers of dark moss dots, suggesting lush trees on a spring day. Though this work bears a Shen Zhou signature, the brushwork is slightly stiff and weak, suggesting the hand of a later artist.