石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1120&故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁289&故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁69-70& 夏昶(西元一三八八-一四七○年),江蘇崑山人。字仲昭,號自在居士,又號玉峰。擅長畫墨竹,畫法學自王紱(一三六二-一四一六)、陳繼(一三七○-一四三四)。 本幅畫水濱竹三竿,婷立於斜坡之上。竹桿落筆穩健,墨色潤厚。竹葉、小草挺勁鋒利,畫石則筆法扭轉靈動。夏氏妙於運筆使墨,極得飄灑清妍之趣,此作堪為例證。 &Curious Rocks and Luxuriant Bamboo Hsia Ch’ang (1388-1470) Ming Dynasty Hsia Ch’ang (style name Chung-chao and sobriquets Tzu-tsai chü-shih and Yü-feng) was a native of K’un-shan, Kiangsu who excelled at painting in monochrome ink, learning from Wang Fu (1362-1416) and Ch’en Chi (1370-1434). In this painting are three stalks of bamboo growing on a slope at water’s edge. The bamboo was limned with first strokes in thick, fluid ink. Bamboo leaves and grasses are stiff and pointed, while the rocks are depicted in twisting, spirited brushwork. Hsia Ch’ang was a master of brush and ink, giving his works a light and radiant quality that is evident here.