石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1863&故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁350&故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁15-16&唐寅(西元一四七○—一五二四年),字伯虎,一字子畏。吳縣(江蘇蘇州)人。初師周臣,後廣學宋元,能將南宋院體畫精謹秀麗的畫法,與元人清雋淡雅的筆墨融為一爐,形成自家面貌,為明四家之一。 本幅人物、樹木、芭蕉,畫法均與杜菫神似。唐、杜於弘治己未(一四九九)相識於京師,時唐寅畫風尚不似杜菫,故應屬後期所作。因筆調近於唐寅四十七歲時所作的「山路松聲」,故可歸為同期作品。&T'ang Yin, a native of Soochow, early studied under Chou Ch'en, but later turned to the Sung and Yuan styles, taking the delicate and refined techniques of the Southern Sung academic mode and fusing them with the pure and elegant style of Yuan artists. Forming a manner of his own, he was known as one of the Four Masters of the Ming. The figures, trees, plantain, and painting techniques of this work are similar to those of Tu Chin. T'ang Yin met Tu when he traveled to Peking in 1499. At that time, T'ang's style was not like that of Tu's. Thus, the style here belongs to the period after their meeting. Since the brushwork is similar to T'ang's Sound of Pines on a Mountain Path, dated to 1516, these 2 works belong to the same period. &唐寅(西元一四七○—一五二三年),字伯虎,號六如居士,江蘇吳縣人。伯虎畫師周臣而過之,為明四大家之一。 陶穀拈鬚,歌坐榻上,旁設筆硯,前燃紅燭,一女郎繡襦羅巾,坐彈琵琶。按陶穀五代時人,入宋官戶部尚書。穀使江南,見妓秦蒻蘭,以為驛吏女,遂敗慎獨之戒,作長短句贈之。明日,南唐中主宴穀,穀毅然不可犯,中主持觥立,使蒻蘭出歌侑酒,穀大慚而罷,是圖乃繪陶穀驛舍中事。 &T’ao Ku Presenting a Lyric to Ch’in Jo-lan T’ang Yin (1470-1523) Ming Dynasty T’ang Yin (style name Po-hu and sobriquet Liu-ju) was a native of Wu-hsien (modern Suchou, Kiangsu) whose paintings surpassed those of his teacher, Chou Ch’en (ca. 1450-ca. 1535). T’ang Yin is known as one of the Four Masters of the Ming. When T’ao Ku (fl. 10th century), an official in the Five Dynasties period and early Sung, was sent on official business to Kiangnan, he met the courtesan Ch’in Jo-lan. Alone in her company and believing her to be the daughter of the offer in charge of the post station, T’ao Ku forgot his official position and indiscreetly wrote a poem for her. The next day, the ruler of the Southern T’ang (937-975) gave a banquet for T’ao Ku. At the banquet, T’ao assumed an air of unbending dignity and unapproachability. The ruler then summoned Ch’in Jo-lan to sing and urged the guests to drink wine. Upon seeing her, T’ao became greatly embarrassed and lost his composure. The painting here illustrates this story.