故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁485&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁205-206&* 劉度(西元十七世紀),浙江錢塘人,字叔憲,一字叔獻。善山水,初受業於藍瑛,能變其法,參以李昭道、趙伯駒,又能去俗入雅,細密工緻,極其精嚴。 此幅畫長松、古藤、靈芝、蒼石,說是仿元代趙孟頫,用筆設色,卻有其清麗瀟灑、氣定神閒的獨特風貌,為劉畫中不可多見之佳作。完成於一六四三年。 &* Liu Tu, a native of Chekiang province, excelled at landscape painting and initially studied under Lan Ying (1585-after 1664). Later, he developed his own style to which he added elements of the styles of Li Chao-tao (ca. 713-741) and Chao Po-chü (1120-1182) to give his refined and detailed style an elegant touch. This work depicts two tall pine trees stretching their branches and extending upward as an ancient wisteria wraps around one of them. Stalks of auspicious fungi grow by the mossy rock. Said to be after a work by Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322), the brushwork and coloring here actually reflect Liu Tu’s uniquely dashing and spirited style. This masterpiece by the artist was completed in 1643. &* 劉度(西元十七世紀),浙江錢塘人,字叔憲,一字叔獻。善山水,初受業於浙派名家藍瑛,能變其法,參以李昭道、趙伯駒等唐宋古法,又能去俗入雅,細密工緻,極其精嚴。 此幅畫長松、古藤、靈芝、蒼石,說是仿元代趙孟頫,用筆設色,卻自有其清麗瀟灑、氣定神閒的獨特風貌,為劉畫中不可多見之佳作。完成於一六四三年。(20110408)&* Liu Du (style name Shuxian), a native of Qiantang, Zhejiang, excelled at landscapes and initially studied under the Zhe school master Lan Ying, achieving his method to which Liu added the ancient Tang and Song methods of Li Zhaodao and Zhao Boju. By shedding commonality and adding an elegant touch, Liu Du formed a fine and detailed manner with exceptional precision. This painting depicts tall pines, old vines, spirit fungi, and a mossy rock. Said to be an imitation of a work by Zhao Mengfu of the Yuan, the brushwork and coloring here derive instead from Liu’s own pure and dashing yet calm and spirited manner. This, one of his few surviving masterpieces, was painted in 1643.(20110408)