石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1132&故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁422-423&故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁145-146& 徐渭(西元一五二一-一五九三年)字文長,號天池,晚號青藤老人。山水、人物、花鳥、竹石都很擅長,書法及詩文也有很高的造詣。 本幅集不同季節的十六種花於一幅,包括:竹、芭蕉、梅、蘭、菊、牡丹、水仙、荷花、秋海棠、茶花、芙蓉、秋葵、石榴、萱花、繡球花。以水墨雙鉤或沒骨寫意畫法為之,筆歌墨舞,恣肆沉酣,是難得的大幅傑作。 &Flowers and Bamboo Hsü Wei (1521-1593) Ming Dynasty Hsü Wei, a native of Shao-hsing in Chekiang, excelled in painting landscapes, figures, flowers, insects, bamboo, and stones. His calligraphy, poetry, and prose were also of very high caliber. This painting represents 16 kinds of flowers and plants from different seasons all together in a single work. They include bamboo, plantain, plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, peony, narcissus, lotus, begonia, camellia, hibiscus, hollyhock, pomegranate, day-lily and hydrangea. Either outlined in ink or rendered in the “boneless” sketching method of ink wash, the brush “sings” and the ink “dances” across the scroll, making it an unusually large masterpiece by the artist.