石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1143&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁416&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁331-332&* 謝時臣(西元一四八八-一五六七年後),字思忠,號樗仙,江蘇吳縣人。善畫屏障大幅,山水得沈周(一四二七-一五0九)法,尤以江潮湖海為佳。 本幅繪兩山環抱間,清泉奔流,煙雲變滅,氣勢極為雄壯。高士二人,適坐於溪畔指點談論,另一童子扶杖侍立。山腰,復有古剎掩映,僧侶徐行。主、副之點景人物均描寫生動,使山水中增添不少生氣。 &* Hsieh Shih-ch’en was a native of Wu-hsien who often painted large works. In landscape painting, he followed the style of Shen Chou (1427-1509) and was particularly skilled at water scenes. In this painting mountains surround a roaring stream that emerges from the clouds and mist. Two scholars sit on an embankment in the foreground as one of them points into the distance as if caught in a lively discussion. An attendant stands by holding a staff. Above, a temple compound appears among the trees and a monk approaches the gate. The figures are all vivid to give the landscape a personal touch. &*謝時臣(西元一四八八-一五六七年後),字思忠,別號樗仙,江蘇吳縣人。私淑沈石田,又兼習浙派,畫風多變,善江潮湖海,能作屏障大幅。 本幅繪群山間溪徑蜿蜒,山石險峻雄奇之勢。山腰處古剎掩映,高士二人閒談於溪畔,童子策杖侍立,點景人物形態逼真,增添生氣。畫者以細密繁複的筆法皴山,焦墨點苔,有王蒙餘韻,用筆蒼勁有力,墨色變化豐富,兼有浙派雄健之風。 (20120102)&*Xie Shichen (style name Sizhong, sobriquet Shuxian) was a native of Wuxian in Jiangsu. He followed Shen Zhou’s (1427-1509) style but also practiced the Zhe School manner, his painting quite varied. He excelled at water scenes and was gifted at screen and large paintings. This work depicts clustered mountains around a winding path and stream, the peaks precipitous and majestic. Hidden along the hillside is an ancient temple as two lofty scholars chat by the river. An attendant stands holding a staff, the realistic figures dotting the scenery with vitality. The artist used dense and complex brushwork to texture the peaks, adding "moss dots" of scorched ink reminiscent of Wang Meng’s (1308-1385) style. The brushwork is hoary and forceful, the ink tones varied and rich, also featuring the power of the Zhe School. (20120102)&*謝時臣(1488-1567以降)、字は思忠、号は樗仙、江蘇呉県の人。沈周に私淑したほか、浙派も学び、画風は変遷を繰り返した。水辺の風景を善くし、屏風などの大作を得意とした。 本作には群山の間を縫うように流れるせせらぎと曲がりくねった山道、高く険しい雄壮な山岳が描かれている。山腹に見え隠れする寺院、水辺で語り合う二人の高士がいて、その傍らに杖をついた童子が控えている。風景に彩を添える人物の描写は真に迫っており、画面に生気を与えている。細密で複雑な筆法と皴法を用いた山、焦墨による点苔など、王蒙の影響が見られる。力強い筆遣い、変化に富んだ墨色、雄健な浙派の風格も備わっている。 (20120102)