秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁149&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁412-413&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁43-44&*王問(西元一四九七-一五七六年),江西無錫人。字子裕,號仲山,嘉靖壬辰(一五三二)進士。拾得是唐朝時能作詩的和尚。他的老師豐干禪師走在赤城的道路上,聽到被遺棄小嬰兒的哭聲,就撿拾教養他,因此名叫「拾得」。拾得與另一位高僧寒山齊名。這一幅畫,以狂放的筆調,大肆揮灑畫出,頃刻之間,就畫完成,這是大寫意的畫法,對於表現拾得瘋瘋顛顛的形象,真有傳神之妙。&*王問,江蘇無錫人,字子裕,號仲山。明代中期文人畫家。嘉靖十七年(1538)進士,官至廣東按察司僉事。工書善詩,畫山水、人物、花卉皆具生趣。 「拾得」為唐貞觀(627-649)時天台國清寺役僧,由其師豐干拾而養之,故名之。與當世高僧寒山友善,俱以癲狂,好吟詞偈。兩人傳記見於唐人寫的「寒山拾得詩」序文:「寒山文殊,遁跡國清;拾得普賢,狀如貧子,又似瘋狂。」得知時人將二人喻為佛教中的文殊、普賢菩薩。又言:「或長廊徐行,叫嗓凌人。或望空獨笑,時僧逐捉打罵,乃駐立撫掌,呵呵大笑,良久而去。」日後畫家描繪二人圖像,大抵以此為根據,存世作品多見對幅形式,此幅或為其一,唯寒山圖去向未知。 畫中拾得衣著襤褸,赤足而立,手執掃帚,口張眉揚,神情奇異。瘋癲拓落的形象,以寫意狂放的筆調,大肆揮灑,整體流暢有致,宛如神來之筆。(陳階晉)&*Wang Wen, a native of Kiangsi, was a chin-shih degree holder of 1532. Shih-te was a gifted monk-poet of the T'ang dynasty (618-907). Concerning Shih-te's background, it is said that when his teacher, Ch'an master Feng-kan, heard a baby crying while walking on a path at Ch’ih-ch'eng. He picked it up and raised it as his own, and so Shih-te ("Picked up") was named. Shih-te was as famous as Han-shan, another high monk. In this painting, Shih-te is painted with free brushwork that was liberally applied to the surface. With a few strokes and washes of ink, the work was finished. This is the "sketching ideas"manner of painting, which seems quite appropriate for conveying eccentric spirit of this character.