故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁400-401&故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁227-228& 陳淳(西元一四八三-一五四四年),長洲人,字道復,後以字行,更字復甫,號白陽山人。天才秀發,嘗遊文衡山之門。 設色牡丹一枝,用沒骨法,筆意極活潑而又極穩靜,所惜顏料日久褪色,故覺稍淡,然而固無損其精妍也。款字鸞軒鳳翥,沈酣至極,是白陽得意筆,璧合珠聯,尤為可寶。 & Ch’en Ch’un has depicted in color a branch of peony in the “boneless, “ or unoutlined, method. The brushwork is animated, yet the painting still has an air of tranquility. Slight fading has not harmed the blossom’s delicate beauty. From Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu, the extremely gifted Ch’en Ch’un was a friend of the famous painter Wen Cheng-ming. &陳淳(西元一四八三─一五四四年),江蘇蘇州人。字道復,後以字行,再改字復甫,號白陽山人。曾遊學文徵明門下。畫擅長寫意花卉,後人把他同徐渭並稱「青藤、白陽」,為明代中期吳派寫意花卉畫家代表。 幅中設色牡丹一枝,墨色清雅,筆意活潑。款書於一五四四年,為晚年作品。題識同畫各佔半幅,行書沈酣飛動,詩句藉歌詠花卉傳達「人生行樂當及時」的意趣。 &Ch’en Ch’un, a native of Soochow, Kiangsu, once was a disciple of Wen Cheng-ming. He excelled at painting flowers in the “sketching ideas” manner, later generations pairing him with Hsü Wei as “Ch’ing-t’eng and Pai-yang.” Ch’en was a most representative “sketching ideas” painter of flowers in the middle Ming Wu school. This work depicts a peony branch, the hues of the ink light and colors elegant with brushwork lively and sophisticated. The signature gives a date equivalent to 1544, making it a late work. The signature and painting each take up about half of the surface. The running script is intoxicating as it dances, the lines of poetry singing the praises of flowers, imparting the notion of “indulging in life’s pleasures at the appropriate time.”