故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁177&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁319-320&*觀音菩薩身著華麗錦衣,披配各式瓔珞,藍色的長髮垂肩,首戴莊嚴寶冠,冠中安置一尊阿彌陀佛像。一手執柳枝,一手持透明玻璃水杯。足踏青、白蓮花各一,款步而行,衣帶飄揚。其容貌寧和,狀甚安詳。觀音是阿彌陀佛的脇侍,彌陀入滅後,觀音也將成佛補其儲位,因此觀音寶冠中,往往安置彌陀入定像,水杯或淨瓶中盛甘露,喻滌除眾生無明塵垢。柳枝則代表觀音拔苦濟難的特質。本院舊有的典藏目錄稱,這是一幅宋代畫家的作品。這幅觀音的造形的確和流傳到日本的宋代觀音像近似,可是畫家造觀音的雙眉、鼻子和下巴特別敷染白粉,衣紋的線條也比較粗,這些表現手法都和宋代不同,它應該是一幅後人臨摹宋代觀音的作品。&*Kuan-yin's blue hair drapes over the shoulders in this work. Wearing a jeweled crown which bears a seated Buddha, Kuan-yin is shown placing a willow branch into the glass bowl held in the left hand. The opulent clothing is decorated with jewelry over the body. In the Museum's old catalogues, this work is listed as by an anonymous Sung artist. Indeed, the form of Kuan-yin here is similar to a Sung dynasty one that was transmitted to Japan. However, the artist has added washes of white pigment to the eyebrows, nose, and chin. Moreover, the drapery lines appear coarser. These techniques differ from those of the Sung dynasty. Consequently, this work was probably done by a later artist of the 17th or 18th century copying after a Sung model.&*觀音菩薩藍色的長髮垂肩,頭上戴著寶冠,寶冠正中還畫著一尊坐佛,手拿楊柳和透明的玻璃碗。祂衣著華麗,身上佩戴著許多裝飾品。本院舊有的典藏目錄稱,這是一幅宋代畫家的作品。這幅觀音的造形的確和流傳到日本的宋代觀音像近似,可是畫家在觀音的雙眉、鼻子和下巴特別敷染白粉,衣紋的線條也比較粗,這些表現手法都和宋代不同,它應該是一幅後人臨摹宋代觀音的作品。&*Kuan-yi's blue hair drapes over the shoulders in this work. Wearing a jeweled crown which bears a seated Buddha, Kuan-yin is shown placing a willow branch into the glass bowl held in the left hand. The opulent clothing is decorated with jewery over the body. In the Museum's old catalogues, this work is listed as by an anonymous Sung artist. Indeed, the form of Kuan-yin here is similar to a Sung dynasty one that was transmitted to Japan. However, the artist has added washes of white pigment to the eyebrows, nose, and chin. Moreover, the drapery lines appear coarser. These techniques differ from those of the Sung dynasty. Consequently, this work was probably done by a later artist of the 17th or 18th century copying after a Sung model.&*1.李玉珉,〈(傳)宋人觀音大士〉,收入李玉珉主編,《觀音特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2000年初版),頁213-214。