石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2718&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁84&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁101-102&*庭中松樹挺立,梅花盛開。屏風前三文士圍束腰長桌而坐,其中二文士坐於榻上,榻下壺門開光,一觀畫,一盥手回首;靠背扶手椅上文士手作研磨狀,似為點茶備茶。一文士園中踱步吟詩。 張訓禮,南宋光宗朝(西元一一九O-一一九四年)人。畫雖舊名圍爐博古,然畫中構圖、母題與世傳十八學士圖相類。唐太宗收聘賢才,以杜如晦、房玄齡等十八人並為學士。命閻立本圖像,褚亮為贊,號十八學士。 &*Two trees stand tall in a courtyard with a plum tree in full bloom. In front of the screen are three scholar-gentlemen sitting around a waisted table, as two sit on a daybed with openings. One views a painting and the other washes his hands. The scholar sitting on an armchair with a backrest is grinding what appears to be tea. Another is in the garden walking and reciting poetry. Despite the traditional title, the composition and motifs here are similar to surviving works on the Eighteen Scholars. The T’ang emperor T’ai-tsung gathered 18 eminent scholars, including Tu Ju-huei and Fang Hsüan-ling, as Academicians. He ordered Yen Li-pen to paint their portraits and Chu Liang to compose eulogies, becoming the famous Eighteen Scholars.