石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第三冊,頁1446&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁71-72&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁11-12&*趙伯駒(1120-1183),字千里。乃宋太祖七世孫。趙令穰之子,官至浙東 兵馬鈐轄。善青綠山水及木石,兼工花卉翎毛,尤長於人物,精神清潤,能別狀貌。本幅寫松石間瓜果堆盤,一人袒衣席地撥阮咸,一人背坐握羽扇傾聽,橫琴於膝,二童子捧壺執卷。人物、配景俱用鉤勒填彩法敬謹寫就,間或輔以胡粉重提、暈染,黑白相映,分外照人眼明。&*Chao Po-chu was the son of Chao Ling-jang and a seventh generation descendant of T'ai-tsu, the founder of the Sung dynasty. He was a skilled painter of landscapes in blue and green style and also adept at depicting birds and flowers and figures. By a pine and rock are a pile of melons. One man, with upper garment bared, plucks a juan lute. Another man behind listens while he cools himself with a feather fan, a ch'in resting across his lap. Two young servants stand in attendance with vase and scroll. Figures and background are carefully drawn with colors added. Washes and a light powder are used to accentuate and highlight the figures.