故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁56&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁275-276&*毛女為傳說人物,字玉姜,在華陰山中,形體生毛,結草為衣,類似鶴翎。本為秦始皇宮人,秦亡後入山,因食松葉,遂不饑寒,且身輕如飛。據傳唐代大中年間,尚有陶太白、尹子虛二位老人,相契為友,多游嵩、華二峰。遇毛女與另一位同隱之避秦難役夫,獲贈萬歲松脂、千秋柏子。本幅舊傳宋李公麟(約西元一O四九—一一O六年)作,一毛女騎鹿,一毛女背蔞飛翔,景象奇特神異。(20091016)&* Maonü (“Hirsute Maiden”) is a legendary figure of the Huayin Mountains. Reportedly with hair over her body and clothed in vegetation (like a crane’s plumage), she claimed to be from the palaces of Qin Shihuang (First Emperor of China). After the Qin fall, she went into the mountains, learning to eat pine needles to avoid starvation (her body also becoming so light she could fly). Extensive Records of the Tai-ping Era says that in the Dazhong era (847-859), two elders (Tao Taibo and Yin Zixu) became friends and traveled the peaks of Song and Hua. They met Maonü and another Qin recluse. Receiving the pine resin and nuts of immortality, they turned to bid farewell, only to find them gone. Works on Maonü appear as early as the Southern Song (1127-1279).(20091016)&*1.許文美,〈避秦宮人成女仙 — 院藏二幅「毛女圖」畫題畫意探討〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第321期(2009年12月),頁78-87。