石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1003&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁39&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁367-372&*此卷自左向右展開,描繪長江兩岸的風光。或畫江面遼闊,遠岸浮天;又時作遠山疊幛,峰巒迭起。岸邊還有城關、村舍、寺塔錯落其間,構圖疏密變化多端。幅末雖有王蒙的款印,作者也以細密的短披麻皴畫石,山頭又有繁密的苔點攢聚,試圖營造王蒙(西元一三○八—一三八五年)畫作中常見的草木蓊鬱的意象。可是全作的筆法板滯,墨色缺乏層次變化,應是一件後人偽託王蒙之名的作品。&*This handscroll as it unfolds from right to left reveals scenery along the Yangtze River. The scenes range from vast expanses of the river with hovering distant banks to layers of background ridges in which peaks and hills alternate. Scattered along the riverbank are city walls, villages, and temples punctuating the composition. Though a Wang Meng seal and signature appear at the end, the artist here deliberately used fine, short hemp-fiber strokes for rendering the earthen forms along with clusters of moss dots at the mountaintops to suggest the lush vegetation often found in Wang's works. However, the brushwork is stiff and the ink gradation lacks layering and variation, suggesting the work of a later artist to which Wang's name was added.