石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁793&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁35-36&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁147-148&* 水岸畫老松枯木,背景則山水平遠,景物蕭疏空闊。無作者款印,右上角仿題「李成寒林平野」。李成(西元九一六-九六七年),字咸熙,唐皇室後裔,本住陝西長安,唐末遷山東青州。個性放蕩不羈,好飲酒吟詩,善畫山水。李成作品於北宋末已極稀少,根據記載其畫筆墨精微,善於表現「氣象蕭疏,煙林清曠」的意境。本幅樹石畫法模仿李成寒林特徵,從畫風看應為明代仿作。(20120103)&* On a foreground bank by the water are old pines and withered trees with a background composition featuring a level distance, the scenery desolate and expansive. Though no artist’s seal or signature is here, an inscription in the upper right attributes it to Li Cheng (916-967). Descended from the Tang imperial clan, Li originally lived in Chang’an, Shaanxi, moving in the late Tang to Qingzhou, Shandong. Unbridled, he took to wine and poetry, excelling at landscape painting but his works already scarce by the late Northern Song. Records say his use of brush and ink is sublime, excelling at a “remote atmosphere and misty forests of pure spaciousness.” This work appears to be a Ming imitation that intentionally follows his wintry forests.(20120103)