盛京故宮書畫錄(卷二),第三冊,頁22&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁174&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁267-270&*柳岸臨溪,水波輕漾,粉荷卓然盛放,搖曳的柳絲與翻飛的荷葉,帶出炎夏中的薰風涼意。各類珍禽水鳥雙雙對對徜徉其間,或游;或棲;或翔;或止,形態各具,生意盎然。全卷用筆甚工,舊傳為王淵之作,然敷彩濃重,當出於明清人的手筆。 王淵(約西元十四世紀),浙江錢塘(今杭州)人,字若水,號淡軒。學畫時,曾獲趙孟頫的指導,畫法多取法於古人。&*Ripples of water skirt a bank of willows in a gentle breeze. The lotuses are in full bloom and their delicate poses complement the swaying lines of the willow branches, adding a sense of coolness to the hot summer day. All sorts of birds, shown in pairs, appear in a variety of lively poses-swimming, perched, in flight, or resting. The brushwork is skillful throughout the handscroll. Traditionally attributed to Wang Yüan, the rich and brilliant coloring suggests the hand of a Ming (1368-1644) or Ch'ing (1644-1911) artist instead. Wang Yüan was a native of Hangchow. In painting, he received instruction from Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322) and looked back to the styles of the ancients.