石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1118&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁70&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁95-96&*馬琬(約活動於十四世中葉),字文璧,號魯鈍,元末明初金陵(今南京)人,生卒年不詳,曾任撫州知府,工詩書畫,每遇佳山水,必記之毫素,並自題其左,時稱三絕。 遠山近樹,溪流房舍,是典型文人畫的構圖與筆墨。山石皴法師承董源,筆墨靈動,韻味頗佳。左上方題款特以章草書體寫之,乃當時之風氣使然耳。&*Ma Wan, style name Wen-pi, sobriquet Lu-tun, was a native of Nanking. The precise dates of his life are unknown. He was a skilled painter, poet, and calligrapher, and whenever he saw a beautiful scene, he felt compelled to paint it. As Ma Wan frequently inscribed his paintings with a personal poem, his paintings combine the "three excellences" of painting, poetry, and calligraphy. This painting depicts distant mountains, near trees, and a stream flowing past a small dwelling. The subject, the brushwork, and the inkplay are typical of literati painting. The texturing of the mountain is based on Tung Yüan's style. The use of brush and ink is spirited and the overall tone is refined. The artist's inscription on the upper left is in cursive script, a style popular during Ma Wan's lifetime.