石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1580&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁38&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁319-324&*這件山水手卷有元人吳鎮(一二八O-一三五四)的款印和題記,因此歸在吳鎮名下。據題記所云,係畫與嘉遯先生,完成於至正辛卯年(一三五一)。嘉遯先生名姓為何,有待進一步考訂。由於全卷筆墨韻味與傳世吳鎮畫作有距離,山石披麻皴結組的規律以及斧劈皴造形均與明人相近,可以推知實為明人託名之作。原作者想必也是一位隱者,具備類似清雅的才性,而以吳鎮作為個人期許的方向。(20110103)&* This handscroll landscape painting has a sealed signature and inscription of the Yuan painter Wu Zhen, which is why it was ascribed to him. According to the inscription, it was completed in 1351 for a Mr. Jiadun, who has yet to be identified. The manner of brush and ink throughout the work, however, is far removed from other surviving Wu Zhen paintings. Furthermore, the rhythmic clusters of “hemp-fiber” strokes and forms of the “axe-cut” strokes are all similar to those of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), suggesting that this work was actually done by a Ming artist with Wu Zhen’s signature added to it. The original artist was also most likely a recluse of refined ability and character, using Wu Zhen as the direction for his personal aspirations.(20110103)