石渠寶笈初編(御書房),第二冊,頁1156 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁266-267 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁225-226&*坡陀間一石突起,細草經霜,色皆枯槁,石後有稷米一叢,上棲蠟嘴三隻,啄食稷穗。地面滿布雜花,另有鵪鶉六隻。三隻聚於石上,一隻自遠處飛至,兩隻在左角,一仰一俯,啄食米粒。通幅細筆雙鉤,筆力甚為勁挺,其畫風接近於明代仿宋代院體畫派者之風格。&*Fine grass on an embankment has faded and withered with the frost. Behind is a large clump of millet to which three waxbills cling as they peck at the grains. Various flowers and grain grow below. This work also includes six quails, three of which appear atop the rock. Of the two in the lower left corner, one has its head down pecking at seeds and the other looks up at a stalk. A sixth flies down from above. Throughout the painting, objects are drawn with a thin, firm outline and the technique is close to Ming dynasty (1368-1644) imitations of the Sung (960-1279) academic style.