秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁129 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁255 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁165-166 &*此圖畫如來佛講讚華嚴經的法會情景。華嚴宗有佛講華嚴經七處八會的說法,前七會為佛成道之初,三七日(二十一天)間所講,第八會為其後二七日(十四天)所講。七處,分為人間三處及天上四處。分別是菩提道場、普光法堂、逝多林多林、忉利天、夜摩天、兜率天、地化天。 畫上無作者名款,舊傳為元代人所繪,不過從山石樹木較為刻板格式化的作風來看,可能是晚明到清初之間的作品。&*This work shows the Tathàgata Buddha preaching the Avatamsaka (Hua-yen) Sûtra to an assembly of figures in the middle left. According to the Hua-yen sect, the scripture was preached at eight assemblies in seven places. The first seven assemblies took place within three weeks after the Buddha's enlightenment and the last occurred two weeks afterwards. Of the seven places, three were on earth and four in heaven. This work bears no signature or seal of the artist, but it has been traditionally attributed to an artist of the Yüan dynasty. However, judging from the style of rendering the landscape elements among the figures, this work possibly dates to the 17th century (in the late Ming or early Ch'ing).