祕殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁115&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁64&*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁267-268&*趙奕(西元十四世紀前期),字仲光,浙江吳興人。趙孟頫之子,隱居不仕,日以詩酒自娛,亦以書畫知名於世。 竹崖上,白衣大士趺坐,龍女隨侍身後。大士藍髮披肩,頭上寶冠,可見阿彌陀的入定像。手中所持的淨瓶,幻化出一朵祥雲,善財童子立於雲上,躬身作揖,狀甚禮敬。此係出自﹝華嚴經﹞善財童子五十三參之一,善財參訪觀音,向其問道的情景。&*Chao I, style name Chung-Kuang, was a native of Wu-hsing, in Chekiang province. The son of Chao Meng-fu, Chao I chose to lead a hermetic existence over the life of an official, amusing himself with poetry and wine. He is known for his fine painting and calligraphy. A white-robed Kuan-yin is seated on a bamboo covered cliff. Behind her, a small maiden waits in attendance. The bodhisattva's blue hair hangs down over her shoulders; on her head is a precious crown with the A-mi-t'o Buddha seated in meditation. Water pouring from the vase held in Kuan-yin's hand transforms into a platform of auspicious clouds, on which stands the visiting Shan-ts'ai t'ung-tzu (Sudhana). He bows in humble reverence, requesting instruction from Kuan-yin. This is a scene from the Avatamsaka sûtra in which Shan-ts'ai requests instruction from Kuan-yin.&* 竹崖上,白衣大士趺坐,龍女隨侍身後。大士手中所持的淨瓶,幻化出一朵祥雲,善財童子立於雲上,躬身作揖禮敬。觀世音,為佛教諸菩薩的首席。唐時因避太宗李世民諱,去「世」字,略稱觀音。 在《西遊記》中,觀音菩薩扮演重要的角色,具有結構上的特殊作用。從參與收伏孫悟空,到尋訪取經人,或設障礙以試禪心,或收妖魔以助西行,貫穿全書。 在第二十四回至二十六回中,孫悟空因偷吃了鎮元仙的人參果,更推倒果樹而脫身不得,卒賴觀音以淨瓶中的楊枝甘露救活了果樹,始擺脫麻煩。第四十至四十二回裡,則說到唐僧一等行經火雲洞時,遭紅孩兒施計蒙騙。紅孩兒別號聖嬰大王,為牛魔王與羅煞女之子,使用風火輪與口吐烈火焰擊敗悟空擒得三藏。後來悟空找觀音前往收伏,遂隨之受戒,成為其身旁的金童,此即善財童子的由來。 &* On a cliff with shoots of bamboo sits the white-robed Kuan-yin bodhisattva with a dragon-lady attendant behind. In Kuan-yin's hand is the bottle of purification, emanating from which is a wisp of a cloud. On it stands Sudhana, the Child of Virtuous Wealth, bending forward in respect. In Journey to the West, Kuan-yin plays a key role and function in the story. From subjugating the Monkey King to locating the monk searching for sutras, Kuan-yin appears throughout the novel, also creating obstacles to test Ch'an (Zen) thought and converting demons to assist in the journey west. In chapters 24 to 26, for example, the Monkey King stole ginseng fruit of Chen Yüan-hsien (Guarding the First Immortal) and knocked over the tree. Unable to free himself, he depended on the elixir of willow branch dew in Kuan-yin's bottle of purification to save the tree and get himself out of trouble. Chapters 40 to 42 also narrate how the T'ang Monk (Tripitaka) and company were tricked by Crimson Child when passing by the Cave of Fire and Clouds. Also known as the Great Sagacious King Child, he is the son of King Bull Demon and Maiden Net Goblin. When he used wheels of flame and spitfire to attack the Monkey King and capture Tripitaka, the Monkey King sought Kuan-yin for help. Kuan-yin convinced the boy to gave up his evil ways, and he became the Golden Child by Kuan-yin, hence the origin of the story of Sudhana.&*1.葛婉章,〈無緣大悲 觀達自在 — 院藏「普門品」觀音畫探究〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第112期(1992年7月),頁39-40。