石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1687&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁71&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁249-250&*本幅屬白描墨畫,寫高梧蔭竹下清泉奇石,香妃竹欄杆環繞。畫中一人坐榻上撫几彈琴,三文士圍坐傾聽,另有僮僕四人侍立,或添香、碾茶、煮酒。明清時期有較廣泛的陳設家具概念,此圖反映上層社會的宅院,正中有立地畫屏,前設床榻與長案,案旁各擺一官帽椅,前方香几、長桌上擺設成套香具、茶具,排場非常講究。從圖中所繪家具形式來看,此圖應繪於明代晚期。&*This painting is in monochrome ink. In the shade of tall firmiana tree and next to bamboo is a stream and a decorative rock as well as an ornamental bamboo railing. A figure sits on a daybed playing a zither as 3 scholars sit listening. Four servants are in attendance preparing incense, grinding tea, and heating wine. Furniture sets became popular in the Ming and Ch'ing dynasties, and this work reflects an upper class setting. In the middle is a standing painted screen with a daybed in front and a long table with two backed chairs on either side. In front is an incense stand and a long table with incense and tea vessels. Two cats play in the lower left. Judging from the furniture, this appears to be a late Ming (1368-1644) work.&*本幅屬白描墨畫,描繪溪畔梧桐蔭下的文士聚會,一人坐榻上撫几彈琴,三文士圍坐傾聽,另有僮僕四人侍立,或添香、碾茶、煮酒,旁有奇石綠竹及湘妃竹欄杆環繞。構圖與院藏〈傳宋人十八學士圖〉相類,唯此軸反映上層社會的宅院,畫幅正中有立地畫屏,前設床榻與長案,案旁各擺一官帽椅,前方香几、長桌上擺設成套香具、茶具,排場十分講究。從圖中所繪家具形式來看,應繪於明代晚期。(20100101)&*This baimiao (ink outline) painting shows scholars in the shade of paulonia by a stream. One is on a daybed playing a zither as the other three sit listening. Four attendants prepare incense, grind tea, and heat wine. The scenery also features a decorative rock, bamboo, and an ornamental bamboo railing. The composition here is similar to the National Palace Museum’s “Eighteen Scholars” attributed to an anonymous Song (960-1279) artist, but this one more closely reflects an upper-class courtyard home. In the middle is a painted screen with a daybed in front and a long table with two backed chairs on either side. In front are an incense stand and a long table with incense and tea vessels in a refined, meticulous arrangement. The furniture types suggest a late Ming dynasty (1368-1644) date.(20100101)