祕殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁246&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁72&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁279-280&*麻姑為長生不老的女仙代表。關於她的來歷,最通行的說法是神仙傳的記載,云東漢桓帝時,仙人王方平降蔡經家,召麻姑至,年十八九,容貌秀美,自言已飽閱滄海桑田變幻。後世常以麻姑獻壽的題材來為婦女祝壽。本幅繪松石流泉間,捧仙桃之麻姑與方平對坐論道,侍者環立。人物造型高古奇拙,衣紋森森然若折鐵,水波與花木的畫法頗有裝飾意趣,雖題為元人,應出自追隨晚明陳洪綬之風的後人。&*Ma-ku is a female immortal who represents longevity. The most common source about her is The Book of Immortals. In the Eastern Han, the immortal Wang Fang-p'ing descended to the Ts'ai Ching household with Ma-ku. An elder elegant lady spoke to the immortal. Thus, apainting of Ma-ku is often presented as a birthday gift to wish a lady longevity and eternal youth. This painting consists of pines, rocks, and a strearm. Ma-ku and Wang sit and discuss the Tao. They are accompanied by attendants. The figures are archaic with the drapery lines like "bent-iron." The waves, flowers, and vegetation are decorative. Although attributed to a Yüan dynasty artist, it is in the style of a later follower of the Ming artist Ch'en Hung-shou.