石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1108 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁187 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁185-186 &*郭畀(一二八○—一三三五)字天鍚,號雲山,江蘇丹徒人,官至江浙行省辟充掾史。工書畫,書法出入趙孟頫,山水師法米芾,又善竹木窠石。 此圖寫溪畔坡石高松,遠山寺宇,雲火因繚繞。山石用淡墨大筆渲染,加濃墨橫點提醒,雲火因金勾繪輪廓,這些都是從米家雲山變化來的。紀年己卯為至元五年(一三三九),時郭畀已歿,故應為後人的仿作。&*Kuo Pi (style name T'ien-hsi, and sobriquet; Yün-shan) was from Tan-t'u, Kiangsu. He served as a provincial-level official in Kiangsu and Chekiang. A noted calligrapher and painter, his calligraphy style developed from that of Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322). In landscape painting, he followed Mi Fu (1051-1107). Kuo also excelled at painting bamboo, trees, and rocks. Tall pines stand on the rocky slope of a stream and in the cloud-wrapped distant mountains lies a temple. A large brush has been used to apply the light ink washes of the mountains and rocks, to which have been added clearly defined oblique strokes in darker ink. The clouds are outlined in broad, swirling strokes. Kuo Pi adopted such techniques, with alterations, from those of Mi Fu. The date on the painting is 1339 - several years after Kuo Pi's death - and so this may be the work of a later artist.