故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁254&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁159&*雲煙迴繞峰嶺,山腰小徑有四人行旅,似乎是要尋訪高隱於白雲深處的釣翁。可能描繪的是東漢嚴光故事。按:嚴光字子陵,東漢餘姚人。少年時,與漢光武一起讀書,光武繼承帝位,嚴光便改姓換名隱居起來。光武帝懷念他的才德,派人禮聘,但仍不願出來作官,後來一直在富春山過著耕釣的隱居生活。&*Misty clouds drift among the mountain peaks as four travelers progress along a narrow path which seems to lead to a high platform on which an old fisherman is sitting above the clouds. The painting perhaps illustrates the story of Yen Kuang of the Han Dynasty. Yen Kuang (tzu Tzu-ling), a native of Yü-yao, lived during the Eastern Han (A.D. 25-220). As a youth he often read books with his friend Kuang-wu. When the latter ascended the imperial throne in A.D.25, he summoned Yen Kuang to service at the court, but Yen had gone into retirement and refused to take on the duties of an official. He lived out the rest of his life in the Fu-ch’un Mountains, devoting himself to fishing and farming.