故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁58-59&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁253-254&*崔白(西元十一世紀),安徽濠梁人,字子西,工畫花竹翎毛,以畫枯荷鳧雁得名,但也精於道釋、人物、鬼神。據說他作畫不起稿,畫長絃挺刃,不用直尺界筆。宋神宗熙寧初(約西元1068年)受命與艾宣、丁貺、葛守昌等人畫垂拱殿屏風,頗受讚賞,補為圖畫院藝學。此圖繪蘆岸間,一鵝昂首獨立。蘆葉經霜,殘綠猶存。鵝身描繪精細,羽毛纖毫畢顯,極為寫實。本幅舊傳為崔白所作。&*Ts’ui Po, whose style name was Tzu-hsi,was a native of Hao-liang, Anhwei. He was a skilled painter of birds and flowers, acquiring fame for his portrayals of withered lotus plants and water fowl in particular. Ts’ui Po is said to have worked without a ruler or compass and to have painted directly, without preliminary drafts--remarkable comments in consideration of the exacting, realistic style associated with his name. Circa 1068, Ts’ui Po was one of a number of painters who received imperial commissions from Emperor Shen-tsung, and, following his successes in this endeavor, he was appointed as a student in the Painting Academy. A lone goose raises its head among water reeds. The leaves have been bitten by frost, though some green remains.The goose is painted with extreme detail, a fine brush delineating his feather. The painting, although a traditional attriution to Ts’ui Po, is an excellent example of realistic depiction.