故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁57-58&*盛京故宮書畫錄,第五冊,頁3&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁237-238&*寒林平遠,松樹枯枝。二人傍倚觀碑,右前四人,具鞍馬傘蓋侍立,面部表情生動。所畫為漢曹操與楊修同觀曹娥碑事蹟。舊傳為郭熙之作,觀其畫風,疑為元時人所作。郭熙(十一世紀後葉),河南溫縣人,神宗熙寧年間(1068-1077)任畫院藝學。善山水,畫法學自李成,而能樹立一己的面貌。&*In this painting, withered pines appear on a flat, level distance of wintry trees. Two figures appear viewing a stele as four attendants stand behind their horses. The faces of the figures are rendered with considerable expression. This work represents the scene of Ts'ao Ts'ao and Yang Hsiu of the Han dynasty Viewing the Ts'ao-o Stele. The traditional attribution is to Kuo Hsi, but the style suggests the hand of a Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) painter. Kuo Hsi, a native of Honan, served in the Painting Academy under Emperor Shen-tsung (r.1068-1077). He excelled at landscapes and followed the style of Li Ch'eng, eventually creating his own manner.