石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3089&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁240&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁77-78&*趙希遠何時何地人,尚待研究。據《畫史會要》的記載,認為與王蒙同時。又,傳說他曾臨王蒙香光居士圖。以本幅畫來看,重山??嶺,草木?鬱,構圖曲折複雜,用筆繁細茂密,景緻情趣確有近似王蒙之意。&*Chao Hsi-yüan is said by the Hua-shih hui-yao to have been a contemporary of Wang Meng (1308-1385), though neither the exact dates of his birth and death nor his place of birth is recorded. It is said that in his painting Hsiang-kuang chü-shih Wang Meng's brushwork was free and his texture strokes extremely fine, while for the moss he used the end of a blunt brush. Chao Hsi-yüan very much liked the painting and copied it. The brushwork of this work of Chao's is tight and fine, the composition sinuous and complex. Mountains are piled layer on layer, dark paths follow the winding gullies, while towers rise forth from the lush green foliage. But it is in felling that the scene most closely approaches Wang Meng, for one may say that in this painting Chao has captured the very quintessence of Wang Meng's style.