石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2769&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁235&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁69&*1.傅申,盧素芬譯,〈傳陶復初畫〈秋林小隱〉應是明項德新所作 — 故宮藏畫鑑別研究之二〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第316期(2009年7月),頁70-82。 &*陶復初,元初天台人。字明本,號介軒。書工篆隸,墨竹師李息齋父子,著色竹甚佳,亦能山水。 陶復初以畫竹名家,而傳世之作甚少。此幀所畫澗濱巖隙,架水茅齋,雜樹連雲,背山環抱。筆墨極為秀逸,屋宇尚有宋人餘韻。澗水縈洄,波紋激盪。筆墨甚精,惟壓頂一峰,皴筆襍沓,微覺細碎。&*T'ao Fu-ch'u was a native of T'ien-tai, Chekiang. His style name was Ming-pen; his sobriquet Chieh-hsüan. T'ao Fu-ch'u was noted for his calligraphy in seal and clerical scripts. In painting ink bamboo, he followed the style of Li K'an (1245-1320) and Li Shih-hsing (1282-l328). His coloured bamboos are also excellent; his landscapes noteworthy as well. Although T'ao Fu-ch'u first gained fame for his bamboo paintings, few of these remain. This painting depicts a landscape of streams and gorges, a thatched cottage spanning the water, copse and trailing clouds, with a curving range of mountains behind. The artist's use of brush and ink is refined and free; his house inheriting a Sung flavor, his water whirling in eddies, their ripples in agitation. Only, the creases of the towering peak are confused and too varied so that there is a slight feeling of incoherence.