故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁165&*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁201-202&*趙雍字仲穆,浙江吳興人。生於至元二十七年(西元一二九O),死於何年,未得資料。他是趙孟頫的兒子,官做到集賢待制。無論書法或繪畫,都有很高的成就,以人馬、竹石畫得最好。 村屋幾家,散置在坡旁石側,遠處煙嵐橫隔了高峻的山嶺。在飄渺的山腳,一道溪泉緩流而來。溪面上,有人乘舟悠遊,一種清逸之氣,浮動在樸實而寧靜的畫面裡。明董其昌認為這幅畫是趙雍的蹟。&*Chao Yung, a son of Chao Meng-fu, had the style name Chung-mu. He led a career as a government official but was also known as a calligrapher and painter of landscapes, in which he took the works of Tung Yüan as a model. He is most famous for his paintings of figures with horses, and bamboo and rocks. The horses of a mountain village are scattered among the rocky slopes along the bank of a river. In the distance horizontal bands of mist settle around the bases of lofty peaks. A stream flows out of the indistinct area at the foot of the mountains and tumbles over rapids into the foreground, where a scholar is relaxing in his skiff. The entire painting is infused with an air of simplicity and purity which captures the feeling of drifting quietly and peacefully along a stream on a warm day. The painting is unsigned but is attributed to Chao Yung in an inscription by Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636) above the painting.