石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁783&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁35&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十六冊,頁327-330&*陳居中(活動於西元十三世紀前半),寧宗嘉泰年間(1201-1204)任職畫院待詔,工人物、蕃馬。蔡文姬(177生),名琰,東漢蔡邕女。興平中(194)為匈奴所擄,居胡地十二年,後為曹操所贖歸。本幅內容即圖寫文姬居北地時之生活片段,畫無款印,舊傳為陳居中所作,但應為明人摹本。院藏同型之作共三卷,本卷之尺幅雖最短,但以筆墨論,則較其餘二幅略勝。&*h'en Chu-chung was a Painter-in Attendance in the Chia-t'ai era of Ning-tsung's reign (1201-1204) and excelled at figure and horse painting. Ts'ai Wen-chi (b.177) was the daughter of Ts'ai Yung of the Eastern Han. She was captured by Hsiung-nu invaders and lived for12 years in captivity before finally being ransomed and returned to China by Ts'ao Ts'ao. This painting describes Wen-chi's life in the north. Though neither signed nor sealed, it has been attributed to Ch'en Chu-chung, but is most likely a copy by a Ming dynasty (1368-1644) artist. Three such scrolls are in the National Palace Museum. Though this is the shortest of the three, the brushwork here is superior to the other two.&*陳居中(活動於西元十三世紀前半),寧宗嘉泰年間(一二○一—一二○四)任職畫院待詔,工人物、蕃馬。 蔡文姬(一七七生),名琰,東漢蔡邕女。興平中(一九四)為匈奴所擄,居胡地十二年,後為曹操所贖歸。本幅內容即圖寫文姬居北地時之生活片段,舊傳為陳居中所作,但以筆墨論,應係明人摹本。院藏同型之作共三卷,其中,以本卷之尺幅為最長。&*Ch'en Chü-Chung was a Painter-in-Attendance in the Chia-t'ai era of Ning-tsung's reign (1201-1204) and excelled at figure and horse painting. Ts'ai Wen-chi (b. 177) was the daughter of Ts'ai Yung of the Eastern Han. She was captured by Hsiung-nu invaders and lived for 12 years in captivity before finally being ransomed and returned to China by Ts'ao Ts'ao. This painting describes Wen-chi's life in the north. Though neither signed nor sealed, it has been attributed to Ch'en Chü-Chung, but is most likely a copy by a Ming dynasty (1368-1644) artist. Three such scrolls are in the National Palace Museum, and this is the longest.