秘殿珠林三編(乾清宮),頁56 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁9-10 &*黃休復益州名畫錄 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁33-34&*1.李玉珉,〈(傳)唐范瓊大悲觀音像〉,收入李玉珉主編,《觀音特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2000年初版),頁206-209。 &*觀音菩薩頭戴寶冠,寶冠中畫阿彌陀佛,在青色蓮台上結跏趺坐。祂有三隻眼睛、四十二隻手,每隻手掌中間還畫一隻眼睛,是密教中千手千眼觀音(又稱大悲觀音)的一種類型。本幅右下方有范瓊(活動於八四六-八七九)的題款,雖然清代的查士標和張丑都認為這是一幅范瓊的真蹟,可是這幅觀音女相的造形與唐代的男相觀音不同,反而和明代的觀音較為接近,所以推測它可能是一件明代的畫作。&*Kuan-yin appears here wearing a jeweled crown, in which is set a small Amitábha Buddha, and sits cross-legged on a blue lotus pedestal. Her face has a third eye and each of her 42 hands has an eye in the palm. This is the Kuan-yin of a Thousand Arms and Eyes, a type also known as the Kuan-yin of Great Compassion and which is found in esoteric Buddhism. The signature of Fan Ch'iung in the lower left led Ch'a Shih-piao and Chang Ch'ou of the Ch'ing dynasty (1644-1911) to consider it an authentic work by Fan. However, the feminine appearance differs from the masculine one associated with Kuan-yin in the T'ang. It seems, rather, more like that of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), indicating it is probably a work of the period.