石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1044&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁12&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十五冊,頁63-70&*1.林莉娜,〈唐王維江干雪意圖〉,收入林莉娜、張華芝編,《冬景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1989年元月初版),頁53-54。 &*王維(西元七○一—七六一年,一作六九九—七五九年),山西祁縣人,字摩詰。王維是唐朝著名的詩人,也是書畫名家,他的山水畫著重意境與詩意的表現。董其昌提倡南北分宗時,將王維稱譽為南宗之祖。本幅畫冬天江邊村舍情景,雪覆蓋大地,木葉早已凋盡,鴻雁飛過天空,為寂靜的大地增添了生意。此卷是否出於王維之作,仍有很大的疑問,而畫法溫婉優雅,比較接近於北宋趙令穰畫風。&*Wang Wei, a native of Shansi province, was a famous poet, calligrapher, and painter of the T'ang. His landscape paintings focused on scenery inspired by ideas and poetry. In Tung Ch'i-ch'ang's formulation of the Northern and Southern Schools, he ranked Wang Wei as the founder of the latter. In this painting of a frigid riverscape with village huts, a blanket of snow covers the ground as the trees and leaves have long since frozen over. Lines of wild geese fly in the sky over the river to give this lonely, silent scene a hint of life. There is much doubt as to whether this handscroll was done by Wang Wei, because the soft and elegant brushwork here is closer in style to that of Chao Ling-jang (fl. ca. 1070-1100) of the Northern Sung. &*王維(701-761,一作699-759),山西祁縣人,字摩詰。王維是唐朝著名的詩人,也是書畫名家,他的山水畫著重意境與詩意的表現。董其昌提倡南北分宗時,稱王維為南宗之祖。 本幅畫冬天江邊村舍情景,雪覆蓋大地,木葉早已凋盡,鴻雁飛過天空,為寂靜的大地增添生意。從繪畫風格觀之,此卷溫婉優雅的畫法,與北宋趙令穰較為接近,故恐非王維之作。 &*Wang Wei (style name Mojie), a native of Qixian in Shanxi, was a famous poet of the Tang dynasty also renowned for his calligraphy and painting. His landscape paintings focused on expressing scenery inspired by ideas and poetry. Dong Qichang in his formulation of the Northern and Southern Schools ranked Wang Wei as the founder of the latter. In this painting of a frigid river in winter is a scene of village huts by the bank as a blanket of snow covers the earth with trees and vegetation long since having withered. Lines of wild geese fly in the sky to give this lonely, silent scene a hint of life. Judging from the painting style, the soft and elegant method of rendering appears closer to that of Zhao Lingrang of the Northern Song, thus suggesting it is not by Wang Wei.