石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第三冊,頁1432 &*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁88 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁33-34&*畫一牛已斃,踣於草上,卷前兩虎爭牛而鬥。卞莊子持劍將往刺虎。一人前往勸止,卷後負劍奉軸、操杖執如意者凡六人。按此為春秋時故事。卞莊子為卞邑大夫,有勇力,刺虎時,管豎子阻之,曰:兩虎方食牛,牛甘必鬥,鬥大則傷,小則亡。從傷而刺,一舉必有兩獲。卞聽其言,果獲兩虎。蓋兩虎相爭如鷸蚌相持,得利者必為他人。均以規勸人之恃強好勝,必無益而自斃。 本幅畫人物及虎均極生動。虎虎相鬥,卞莊子之勇,尤其美妙。&*Near the scene of two tigers fighting over a dead buffalo, Pien Chuang-tzu with a drawn sword is about to hurry over to slay the fierce beasts. Kuan Shu-tzu steps forward and dissuades Pien from the risk. Kuan is advising: the tigers must fight because the meat of the buffalo is sweet. The weaker one will be killed and the stronger one will come out wounded. If you would wait, you could gain two tigers simply by finishing off the wounded and exhausted. Beside Pien and Kuan stood six people carrying sword, scrolls, scepter and staff respectively. This painting is based on the story told in the Spring and Autumn period (770-481 B.C.). Pien Chuang-tzu, the magistrate of the Pien County, was famous for his might and boldness. Nevertheless, having followed Kuan's advice on this occasion, he won both beats without much exertion. Form this are drawn two moral teachings. When two power beings crash in tussle, one will be destroyed and the other fatally wounded. And also that: it is the third party that profits from such tussles. The story admonishes people not to count too much on one's might for it might lead to self-destruction.&*畫中一牛受傷,兩虎為爭食而相互咬鬥。春秋(西元前七七0年—二二一年)魯國大夫卞莊,以「勇」著稱,持劍將刺老虎,回身卻聽旁人勸告:兩虎相爭,必一死一傷,此時刺傷虎而得兩虎。卞莊聽從建議,果得兩虎。 本幅無名款,清宮歸於宋代李公麟(約一0四九年—一一0六年)名下。畫中卞莊神態及兩虎相鬥,極為生動。(20091016)&* This work shows an injured ox and 2 tigers fighting over it. The official Bian Zhuangzi of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-221 BCE) was renowned for bravery. Taking out a sword to kill a tiger, his attendant told him that when 2 tigers fight, one will die and the other be injured. He could wait, easily kill the injured tiger, and thus claim to have killed 2. Bian took the advice. At the end of the scroll, Wang Shu saw it and related it to “The snipe and clam grapple” (so the fisherman wins). Thus, he warns not to think of oneself by taking advantage of the weak, but to come to others’ assistance. This work is not signed, but the Qing court attributed it to Li Gonglin (ca. 1049-1106). The actions and appearance of Bian and the tigers are quite lively.(20091016)&*卞莊是魯國(西元前1027-250)的大夫,以「勇」著稱。畫中的場景,一隻牛已受傷倒臥在草地上,兩隻老虎正為爭食牛而相互咬鬥。卞莊左手牽起衣襬,右手提起劍要往前衝出去,卻又轉頭聽著旁邊人拱手說話。畫卷的最後有人捧「如意」拿「杖」。畫中的故事是卞莊想刺殺老虎,旁邊的人勸告他,兩隻老虎正想吃這頭牛,必然因牛而起爭鬥,兩隻老虎一爭鬥,小老虎為大老虎所殺,大老虎也難免受傷。等到兩隻老虎爭鬥完畢,只要殺死那受傷的大老虎,豈不是一下子就得到兩隻老虎了。卞莊聽從這個建議,就停下來等待兩虎相鬥完畢,果然如所說的,得到兩隻老虎。這則故事的意義是勸告人不要祇憑勇氣,而沒有智慧。另一方面的意義,也說出自己人(兩隻老虎)相爭,最後卻被別人得到利益。規勸人如果自以為勇敢好勝,並沒有益處。本幅沒有作者的簽名,以前總會把這種線條描繪精良的人物畫說是出於宋代李公麟(約1049-1106)之手,本卷在清朝皇宮的記錄《石渠寶笈三編》就是如此認定,但這樣的說法並不能獲得現代人的同意。然而畫中對主角卞莊神態的掌握,兩虎的相鬥,都是宋朝人高明的表達。(王耀庭)