石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁967 &*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁73 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十六冊,頁385-390&*1.蔣復璁,〈倪瓚題錢選畫牡丹〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《元四大家》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1975年初版,1976年二版,1984年三版),頁61。 &*錢選(西元1239─1301年),浙江吳興人。字舜舉,號玉潭,又號清□老人、習嬾翁。宋景定間鄉貢進士。元初吳興有八俊之號,趙孟頫稱首,選亦與焉。其畫人物、花鳥、山水均高超絕俗。 本幅畫紅白牡丹二枝,枝莖、葉脈、筋絡均以細筆鉤勒,用筆精謹,賦色淡雅,清新脫俗。卷末尚自題七言詩一首。款署:「霅豁翁錢選舜舉」。&*Ch'ien Hsüan (style name Shun-chü; sobriquets Yü-t'an, Ch'ing-ch'ü lao-jen, His-lan weng ) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang province. Ch'ien Hsüan is counted among the eight talents of Wu-hsing, a group of early Yüan scholars whose leader was Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322). Ch'ien Hsüan's paintings of figures, birds and flowers, and landscapes are all of exceptional quality, far surpassing the ordinary. In this painting, there are two peonies, one red and one white. The stems and the veins in the leaves have all been outlined with a fine brush. The brush work is both careful and exquisite, and the coloring is refined and elegant. Ch'ien Hsüan inscribed the painting with a poem in regular verse. His signature reads: "The old man of Cha-chi, Ch'ien Hsüan Shun-chü."