石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第三冊,頁1366 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁54 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁69-70&*界畫亭榭臨池,前後碧柳四垂,二女亭中對奕。亭外池荷盛開,翠葉田田。仕女或倚欄垂釣或持扇觀荷,一派夏日悠閒景象。通幅屋界、衣飾刻畫精細,粉花綠葉著色清麗,本幅舊傳為南唐周文矩之作,唯筆墨、器用皆顯露出明清習氣。 周文矩(活動於西元十世紀),建康句容(今南京)人。仕後主李煜為翰林待詔,能畫冕服車器,尤工仕女人物。 &* A pavilion built over a pond has been rendered with ruled-lines and is bordered by a weeping willow. Two ladies face each other on either side of a game board as another watches. A lady rests by the railing. The lotus pond is in full bloom, making for a field of verdant leaves. Outside, ladies are fishing to make for an idyllic summer scene of relaxation and joy. The brushstrokes throughout the painting are delicate and fine, while the coloring is pure and beautiful. Though traditionally attributed to Chou Wen-chü, the style and forms all reveal the those of the Ming (1368-1644) and Ch'ing (1644-1911) dynasties. Chou Wen-chü was a court artist who excelled at painting figures, especially ladies.