石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁669 &故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁114 &故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁287-288&本幅之題材與風格,屬「松石格」之作品,描繪雙松挺立於磐石上,兩側有枯木為伴,兼具寒林之景象。寒林之後隱約可見清澗折曲而來,至磐石處急瀉而下,激起漩渦與浪花。 松石格(註1)是興起於八世紀的繪畫,或畫「松石」、或「樹石」,含松柏及其他樹木。它是山水畫範圍的一部分,再發展下去,則與「寒林」圖有關。李成(919--967)擅畫華北之山水,尤以景象蕭疏荒寒之寒林最具特色。繼之有郭熙(活動於十一世紀後半葉)持續發展,逐漸形成「李郭」一系之山水畫派,寒林圖也成為宋代(960--1279)相當流行之題材。在宋代尚由文同(1018--1079)、蘇東坡(1036--1101)等人之發展,至元代形成「古木竹石」之新題材。 本幅畫松及古木,不但強調癭瘤累累,還一再重複枝勢折轉之情態。較之「宋人喬木圖」,本幅畫樹枝之折轉情態更趨向於形式化。此畫風約在南宋(1127--1279)的中、晚期,與馬夏流派強調筆墨之趣有異曲同工之妙。畫枝幹之情態,如發揮寫書法之用筆,畫家在描繪真實之形象,與表現瀟灑之筆墨,兩者之間,實以較偏重後者。枝葉間尚可見許多墨點,是在寫枝榦、樹葉之餘,墨韻猶有不足之感 再以「彈墨法」持筆在小弓之弦敲彈,使墨點噴灑在畫上,形成「點」、「線」、「面」更豐富的變化。(林柏亭) 註1:詳見李霖燦,(松石畫格之研究和松泉磐石圖),(寒林一系圖畫的初步研究),《中國名畫研究》,上,(台北:藝文印書館,1973),頁259--266;頁267--274。&飛泉激漱於澗石之間,下瀦成窟,浪花騰濺。兩松勁挺立於澗右,樹身扭曲,多?瘤杈枒。松針作圓形,先用濃墨畫,再用淡墨罩一次,又用墨水烘漬,最後用小彈弓彈墨花於其上,如宋人彈雪法。澗左枯樹兩株,?結較兩松更甚,畫小枝用李郭蟹爪。樹後層灘疊渚,愈遠愈淡,上接煙霾天宇,一門渾圇。松身結體,頗似武元直赤壁圖卷;烘染厚潤,頗似李山風雪杉松圖卷。&A stream cascades between rocky banks into a shallow pool in the foreground. Two strong and angular pines grow from the rocky shore. The pine trunks twist like dragons; their growth distorted by tumors. Pine needles fan out in circular patterns. The artist painted the pine needles in four stages: first, rendered in dark ink, then re-articulated with lighter ink, washed with very pale ink, and finally spattered with fine drops of ink using a kind of small slingshot. The latter stage is similar to the method Sung artists employed in suggesting snow. On the left bank of the pool the artist has placed a clump of hoary trees. These trees, even more dramatic than the pines on the right, are stylistically related to the Li Ch'eng-Kuo Hsi tradition of the Northern Sung. Behind the trees the stream and banks recede, merging subtly with the misty atmosphere of the middle distance. The treatment of the pine trunks is quite similar to that found in Wu Yüan-chih's Red Cliff and the use of ink wash resembles that in Li Shan's Wind and Snow in the Pines.