石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1048&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁109&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁103-106&*1.朱惠良,〈明俞宗大題元趙孟頫古木散馬〉,收入《雲間書派特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1994年初版),頁140。 2.朱惠良,〈雲間書派特展簡介 — 俞宗大題趙孟頫古木散馬卷引首〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第139期(1994年10月),頁88。 &*趙孟頫(西元一二五四—一三二二年),字子昂,號松雪道人。宋太祖十一世孫,居吳興。仕元,官至翰林學士承旨,封魏國公。善山水、人物、花卉、翎毛、蘭竹,為文人畫壇之領袖。亦善畫馬,師韓幹、李公麟。 原野秋深,古木下散馬兩匹,無鞍韉之累,狀極幽閒自適。全幅以白描法為之,用筆古勁秀逸,流暢而有力,造景新奇蕭疏,具文人畫氣息。&*Chao Meng-fu was an 11th generation grandson of the Sung dynasty founder, but he also served the Yüan Mongol rulers as a scholar-official. Excelling at many genres of painting, he was a leader in painting and calligraphy. Gifted at depicting horses, he studied the styles of Han Kan (ca. 715-after 781) and Li Kung-lin (1049-1106). Two horses appear under old trees in deep autumn wilds. Unbridled, they roam in utmost freedom. This work, done in the monochrome "plain-line" (pai-miao) manner, features archaic and elegant brushwork that is fluid yet powerful. The scene is refreshing and spacious, completely in the style of the scholar-official.