石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),下冊,頁1017&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁247&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁99-100&*馬琬(活動於西元一三四二—一三六六年),金陵人,字文璧,號魯飩。善山水,工詩、書、畫。每遇佳山水,必託之毫素。有董源、米芾之法,輒自題其左,時號三絕。 崇山疊巒,行旅騎驢荷物而行。全圖構景繫密,用筆多屬中鋒,用墨簡澹,設色淡雅。壓頂一峰皴筆疏簡,以平點層層作小樹,特覺清逸秀出。本幅無作者款印,幅上有董其昌題,云:「馬文璧秋山行旅圖」。&*Ma Wan (style name Wen-pi, sobriquet Lu-tun) was a native of Nanking. He was skilled in poetry, calligraphy and painting especially landscapes. Whenever he came upon a beautiful scene, he felt compelled to paint it. Ma Wan's works reveal similarities to the styles of Tung Yüan (d. 962) and Mi Fei (1051-1107). As he frequently inscribed his paintings with a personal poem, Ma Wan's works combine the three arts of poetry, calligraphy and painting. Through lofty, precipitous peaks and striated layers of steep, vertical hills, travellers on donkeys and leading their pack animals make their way. The complex landscape was intricately structured, brushwork tersely executed, and the colors chosen to reflect elegant taste. By virtue of the fact that the uppermost peak was rendered rather sparsely, and through the artist's use of rows of flat dots to build up the trees, the scene has been instilled with an unmistakable sense of purity and clarity. This painting bears no seal nor signature, but Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636) inscribed above the painting: "Ma Wen-pi's Travellers in the Autumn Mountains."