石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1584 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁171 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁15-16 &*高克恭(西元一二四八—一三一0年),本為西域人,後移居燕京。字彥敬,號房山老人。 畫中峰巒多用淡墨淺色皴染,主峰用墨最重,山頂並綴以橫筆「米點」,有水墨淋漓之趣。石綠、石青之漬染潤厚秀雅,顯得峰巒更為渾厚穩重。&*Kao K'o-kung was originally an Uighur who later made his home in China in Wu-lin. His style name was Yen-ching, and his sobriquet Fang-shan lao-jen. He served as a high official and painted landscapes following the wet brush style of the Mi family. Within a cloudy valley, hills rise in layers above streams and waterfalls. Their forms are rendered without any prominent or unusual brush strokes in a restrained, but natural manner. Pale color and light ink tones have been used throughout the landscape. Only on the main peak has darker ink been built up in layers. Mineral green was used in the moss dots for a very weighty feeling.