秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁66&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁54&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁113-114&*羅漢,原指佛教中個人修行的一種境界。唐代的《法住記》闡明羅漢不只是獨善其身的修行者,也堅持其常住世間,普渡眾生,在現世中擔任護法、弘法的使命。此後,繪畫作品中就常以之畫題,五代時貫休的「羅漢圖」就是有名的例子。 貫休,又稱禪月大師。所畫皆為梵像,狀貌奇特,風骨獨樹一格,影響後世塑畫羅漢形象至為深遠。此圖雖舊傳為貫休所繪,由其畫風看來,當是明人所仿。 &*The term lohan originally referred to disciples of the Buddha who achieved a realm of personal cultivation. The T'ang (618-907) text "Record of Buddhism in This World" describes how lohans were not just individuals who excelled at personal cultivation, but that they remained in this world to help all beings. They also protect and expound the Buddhist faith. Afterwards, they became a popular subject in painting, and perhaps the most famous works were those by the monk-painter Kuan-hsiu. Kuan-hsiu, also known as Master Ch'an-yüeh, painted Buddhist images with his unique style. His lohan paintings had a major influence on later representations. Though this is attributed to him, the style suggests it is a Ming (1368-1644) imitation. &*1.李玉珉,〈明末羅漢畫中的貫休傳統及其影響〉,《故宮學術季刊》,第二十二卷第一期(2004年秋),頁99-143。