石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1916&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁25-26&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁97-98&*1.傅申,〈巨然存世畫蹟之比較研究〉,《故宮季刊》,第二第二期(1967年十月),51-79。 &*本幅畫群山溪壑,林樹彌望,山石皴紋多以濕筆染破,明晦隱現,輪廓模糊,特饒山野煙霧之致。本幅無作者款印,依據舊籤,定為巨然之作,然筆墨則與江參(活動於西元十二世紀初)較為近似。巨然(十世紀),南唐鍾陵人,為開元寺僧。南唐亡(九七五年),隨李後主煜降宋,至汴梁。工畫山水,師事董源。善狀煙嵐景象,臻於妙境,與師齊名,並稱董巨。 &*Ch'-jan, a native of Chung-ling during the Southern T'ang dynasty, was a monk of the K'ai-y'an Temple. When the Southern T'ang dynasty fell in 975 A.D., he submitted to the Sung and went to the capital at Pien-liang (K'ai-feng). Ch'-jan, a landscape painter, is noted for his exquisite paintings of mist-covered mountains. His fame was as great as that of his teacher, Tung Y'an, their names often being coupled together. In this painting, wood-covered hills and streams that wind through ravines stretch into the distance. The texture strokes of rocks and mountains have been applied with a moist brush so that light and shadow merge and outlines are vague, especially where mist swirl around the mountains. This painting bears neither signature nor seals, but is a painting by Ch'-jan according to the label. However, the brushwork and use of ink resembles more closely that of Chiang Shen (early 12th c.).