石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁804 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁259 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁189&*1.劉芳如,〈元人射雁圖〉,收入石守謙、葛婉章主編,《大汗的世紀:蒙元時代的多元文化與藝術》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2001年初版),頁291。 2.林柏亭、張華芝,〈元人射雁圖〉,收入林柏亭、張華芝編,《畫馬名品特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1990年元月初版),頁94。 3.劉芳如,〈行走於蒙元的藝廊裡 — 「大汗的世紀」特展 元人射雁圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第225期(2001年12月),頁12。 &*本幅為雙拼式淺設色畫。寫叢山之中,獵隊合圍。幅左方,一人御黑馬,後從一騎持鉞擁護,當是主事者。餘數騎,或縱鷹,或射雁。景境於天寒地凍中,饒有肅殺之氣。背景山樹,雖著墨無多,但極得烘托之妙。舉凡人物、馬匹、駱駝,箇箇表情刻劃生動,誠為出獵題材繪畫中之佼佼者。 畫無作者款印,據舊籤定為元人。&*In this folding work done in ink and light colors, a group of hunters have convened deep in the mountains. The figure on a black horse in the right part of the cornposition appears to be the leader, while a figure behind him holds a large axe. Several other riders are scattered about, shooting at a flock of wild geese in the sky, preparing to turn loose a falcon, or just watching in concentration. In this frigid and bleak scene, death seems to hang in the air. Though little ink was used to describe the background hills and trees, the texturing fully reflects the cold, f rigid atmosphere. The figures, horses, and camels all appear lifelike and vivid, making this one of the masterpeices on the subject of hunting in Chinese art. Although this painting bears neither seal nor signature of the artist, it was attributed in the title slip to a painter of the Yüan dynasty.&*群山環抱中,一列狩獵的隊伍,正沿著山路,緩緩行進著。騎隊裡,有人發現了天上飛翔的鴻雁,立刻搭弓上弦,蓄勢待發。其餘眾人,有的佇足仰望,神情專注,也有的操控獵鷹,隨時預備接應。畫家顯然有意藉助周邊景物的描寫,來烘托整件作品的肅殺氣氛。所以無論是皴山,或者畫樹,用筆均極精簡,很成功地營造出北方朔漠的地形特徵。元代帝王喜好狩獵,曾屢次傳召畫家繪圖,以記錄當時的盛況。本幅畫上,並無作者款印,由於畫中出獵的陣勢,與故宮典藏的劉貫道(13世紀後半)〈元世祖出獵圖〉相當近似,所以,作者應當也是宮廷裡的藝匠。幅中,首領人物的形象和鬚眉,極似元成宗鐵穆耳(1265-1307在位)中年以後的容貌。倘據此推測,此圖的成作年代,大約在十四世紀初期。(劉芳如)