石渠寶笈初編(御書房),第四冊,頁1156&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁267&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁229-230&*畫中有魚三條,先以淡墨金勾輪廓,再逐次漬染鱗片、鰭、翅。魚腹下渲染著淡墨,烘托出鱗色銀白的感覺。鱖魚除以筆墨表現外,還以粗布撳印上布紋,使鱖魚身上的細密鱗紋,表現得更加生動逼真。水藻的描繪非常工整,富有裝飾性的趣昧。&*Three perch and carp of varying size dominate the work. The brushwork is energetic and blunt. The largest fish has been given an added touch: for its scales, the artist has not only employed the traditional tools of brush and ink, but also used a coarse cloth drenched with ink to dab on the surface of the paper. The cloth's texture has been utilized for the scales of the fish to give a more realistic effect. There is a strong design quality to all the forms in the painting, but the artist has been able to convey the impression of animation in their arrested forms.