秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁247&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁258&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁185-186&*1.王耀庭,〈元人獻壽圖〉,收入王耀庭、童文娥編,《長生的世界:道教繪畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1996年初版),頁78-79。 &*本幅設色畫女仙合掌而立,頭背有圓光,侍女捧盤獻桃。獻桃故事向與西王母關聯,畫中女仙當是。按道教有九靈太妙龜山金母、太虛九光龜臺金母元君,民間習稱王母娘娘、西王母。道教將西王母列為最高女神。造形上也成為古代溫雅美麗女性的象徵。本幅畫中開臉,端雅莊重,猶如中國人心目中母儀天下的皇后。本幅二女均向右側,畫幅亦小,疑係一組畫中之一幅,或為大幅殘存割裂。人像軀體身首比例美好,畫來用筆挺勁,設色古厚,可與今日尚存之元代道觀壁畫如山西永樂宮相通。&*In this colorful painting, a female immortal stands with a halo behind her head and a female attendant by her side holding a plate with the peaches of longevity. The story of presenting peaches of longevity is related to the figure of the Mother Goddess of the West (Hsi-wang-mu), one of the two main female deities in the Taoist faith. In fact, of the two, the Mother Goddess of the West is considered the supreme female deity. Her form is symbolized by elegance and beauty. Here, the immortal is slightly smiling and appears elegant yet stern, like an empress from Chinese history. The two figures here face to their left and the painting is somewhat small, suggesting that it was once part of a set or perhaps cut down from a larger work. The figures are beautifully proportioned and the brushwork exceptionally beautiful. The coloring is archaic and can be compared to surviving Yüan dynasty wall paintings, such as at the Yung-lo Temple in Shan-his.&*本幅設色畫女仙合掌而立,頭背有圓光,侍女捧盤獻桃。獻桃故事向與西王母關聯,畫中女仙當是西王母。按道教有九靈太妙龜山金母、太虛九光龜臺金母元君,民間習稱王母娘娘、西王母。道教將西王母列為最高女神。造形上也成為古代溫雅美麗女性的象徵。本幅畫中開臉,端雅莊重,猶如中國人心目中母儀天下的皇后。本幅二女均向右側,畫幅亦小,疑係一組畫中之一幅,或為大幅殘存割裂。人像軀體身首比例美好。(王耀庭)