秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁134&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁257&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁181-182&*1.李玉珉,〈元人應真像(右)〉,收入李玉珉主編,《羅漢畫》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1990年初版),頁77。 2.李玉珉,〈元人應真像〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第300期(2008年3月),頁29。 &*本幅為十八羅漢畫軸二幅之右,畫伏虎尊者等九應真與侍者二人。無作者款印。 此作畫法極為精嚴,畫風出自南宋劉松年一系,設色清雅有緻。人物開面各具生意,用筆變化多端,如鐵線描、曹衣出水描等,運用自如,沈著中又見活潑。&*Two paintings form a set in this rendition of the eighteen lohans. The work shown here is the right half of the pair. In this painting are nine lohans, two attendants, and a ferocious tiger, which customarily accompanies one of the lohans. The brushwork is extremely delicate and refined, its style deriving from the Liu Sung-nien tradition of the Southern Sung (1127-1279). Color has been applied in a sensitive and elegant manner, and the artist has employed various brush techniques to imbue the facial features of each image with its own fresh sense of vitality and liveliriess. These methods include iron-wire lines, which are lines of an even thickness throughout, and graceful but densely painted garment lines which flow rhythmically together, instilling the composition with life-like vigor. &*這兩幅畫軸各繪九尊羅漢與二侍者,形成一組十八羅漢對幅。十八羅漢的名稱不見於經典記載,是在十六羅漢信仰的基礎上發展而來的。畫中的十八尊羅漢手中分持經卷、麈扇、念珠、蓮花、香爐等,形貌各異,或老或少;又或作天竺羅漢,深目大鼻,膚色深褐,或為漢族比丘,修眉細目,膚色白晰。除此之外,畫家更傳神地描寫了這些人物的精神狀態,例如,右幅上方的降龍羅漢,抬頭蹙眉,瞪望空中的騰龍,眼露凶忿。左幅下方手持貝葉經的羅漢,眉開眼笑,滿臉歡愉。全作的衣紋線條以凝煉的中鋒完成,時而均勻縈回,流利暢達;又時而頓挫轉折,挺勁有力,不但變化多端,而且準確地掌握人物衣下的身軀結構。人物的五官和髭鬚都以細筆鉤畫,而衣上的圖案也描繪得一絲不苟。全作繪製精謹,設色妍麗而不明艷,清雅出塵,誠為元代(1279-1368)宗教畫的代表作。(李玉珉)